FILTECH 2022, which will be presented March 8-10 in Cologne, Germany, expects to attract more than 460 exhibitors with a conference program featuring more than 240 papers. The occasion marks the return of a leading global event for the filtration and separation industry, after the COVID-19 pandemic forced FILTECH to be rescheduled from its originally planned dates in 2021.
FILTECH’s companion conference program will feature presentations from some of the leading minds in filtration and separations. The previous edition of IFN provided a detailed preview of the keynote/plenary sessions planned for FILTECH 2022 (IFN Issue 6 2021, pages 42-44). You can find this article at The following preview highlights the full FILTECH 2022 program as we prepare for this important event in our industry.
Stop Microplastic Pollution!
Innovation Forum
One of the exciting features of this edition of FILTECH is a forum that will discuss the issue of microplastic pollution. Detection and removal of microplastics from waters is a complex issue, as there are numerous origins, myriad entry and distribution paths into the water cycle and wide-ranging impacts on water bodies, biodiversity, climate, and health.
The FILTECH 2022 Conference will feature the latest advances and techniques in liquid/solid and gas/particle separation (dust, gas & air filtration). Delegates will receive high-level knowledge transfer and learn about future trends and perspectives.
The filtration industry, which churns out many tonnes of disposable plastic material in the form of filter media, is beginning to consider what it can do to address the challenge of microplastic pollution, not only as a solution provider, but also as it considers alternative materials for filtration itself. While a lot of research remains to be done to better understand the phenomenon of microplastic waste in the environment, FILTECH aims to foster a discussion around this topic with a three-day forum:
- Day 1, 08.03.2022: Detection methods (air, soil, water)
- Day 2, 09.03.2022: Removal technologies (air, soil, water)
- Day 3, 10.03.2022: The big picture of microplastics (political, societal & economic aspects)

Day 1 and day 2 will showcase up to five solutions in a pitch session (4 slides, 3 min) followed by a moderated panel discussion and a guided booth tour (if you do not have a booth at FILTECH, there will be the possibility to present a poster showing your solution). Day 3 will give impulses and space for discussion on political, economic, and societal aspects.
The forum will be presented in cooperation with Wasser 3.0, a Germany-based firm that aims to counteract global water pollution by micropollutants with responsible research, sustainable innovations and socio-political education and awareness-raising work. Started in 2012 as a university project, Wasser 3.0 PE-X solution has been developed to remove microplastics from water. Successful pilots have been running on German sewage treatment plants since 2019. In May 2020, Wasser 3.0 was founded, which, in line with the sustainability goals of the United Nations, creates a framework for promoting water protection at the interface of science, business, politics and society.
Conference topics
The FILTECH 2022 conference program will feature the latest advances and techniques in liquid/solid and gas/particle separation (dust, gas & air filtration). Delegates will receive high-level knowledge transfer and learn about future trends and perspectives. Featured topics of the conference program include:
- Solid-Liquid-Separation by Vacuum and Pressure, Press and Centrifugal Filtration, Cartridge and Bulk Layer Depth Filtration, Gravity and Centrifugal Sedimentation, Hydrocyclones, Flotation & Adsorption
- Filter Media for woven and nonwoven materials, granular and fibrous materials, membranes, characterization of filter media and media production technologies.
- Membrane Processes by Crossflow, Dead End, Shear Stress Filtration, Micro-, Ultra-, Nano-filtration, Reverse Osmosis and Dialysis, Pervaporation, Gas Permeation, and Membrane Reactors.
- Solid-Gas-Separation by Surface Filters, Fibrous and Granular Bed Depth Filters, Bag Filters, Electrostatic Precipitators, Wet Scrubbers, Cyclones
- Testing, Instrumentation, Control, including instruments for particles and pores; interfacial phenomena; filter media testing methods and instruments; separation test methods and instruments; standardized test particles; operation & control of filtration & separation equipment.
- Simulation and Modeling, including computation fluid and particle dynamics, computer-aided design, selection and operation of separation equipment; process simulation; flowsheeting expert systems.
- Special Topics include selective separation, microprocess technology; nanofluidics, mist and droplet separation, biological waste gas purification/biofilters
The conference program will also feature a variety of product-related presentations in a range of filtration and separation areas. Full conference program details are available at

Innovation Guide
As expected, a number of leading suppliers of filtration technology will be announcing new technology and demonstrating their capabilities at FILTECH 2022. The FILTECH website highlights a number of the new technologies that will be on display at the show on its website. As you prepare for this year’s FILTECH, a great place to start is the FILTECH 2022 Innovation Guide, which is available at
And finally, if you’re attending FILTECH, we encourage you to visit our featured partners exhibiting at the show, which are profiled in the following links:
Featured exhibitors
Visit us at FILTECH: Hall 8, Stand A9
Air Techniques International (ATI)
Visit us at FILTECH: Hall 8, Stand F52
Visit us at FILTECH: Hall 7, Stand K5
Visit us at FILTECH: Hall 8, Stand B24
Visit us at FILTECH: Hall 7, Stand M31