GKD exhibited at Aquatech Amsterdam, showcasing its optimized dutch weave (ODW) and porometric mesh product ranges.
The ODW features small, slot-shaped pores on the surface and larger pores inside the mesh for high dirt holding capacity and low flow resistance. For industrial and municipal micro sieving, a single-ply mesh design combines a geometric pore size of 6 µm with a low clogging tendency.
The three-dimensional porometric mesh features an open, ridge-shaped weave with rectangular pore structure and an open area of up to 90%. It has a geometric pore opening of 150 µm and 175 µm with a low clogging tendency.
Both filter media are woven from stainless steel wires, avoiding abrasion and facilitating plastic-free water filtration. The ODW and Porometric mesh ranges are suitable for a variety of applications, including wastewater treatment applications, particularly for large-volume filtration. GKD offers both mesh ranges in process-specific designs for various types of screening and filter segments, filter cartridges and discs, as well as in the form of screens for drum filters or inserts for filter baskets.