Organic Solvent Nanofiltration
Emerging Solutions Bring Cleaner Solution for Waste Oil Re-RefiningEvery year, around 1.3 billion gallons of waste oil are produced in the United States, with nearly 40% of it ending up …

Filtration on Display
The Essential Role of Nonwovens in Filtration Underlined at FILTECHThe latest developments in engineered nonwoven media for air, liquid and gas filtration were showcased at the recent FILTECH exhibition which …

Swedish Automation Keeps Filter Products Moving
Members of TMAS – the Swedish textile machinery association – are providing crucial manufacturing and automation services to the filtration sector, which is an often invisible but very significant part …

Heirloom Raises $150 Million to Move the DAC Needle
Calcium hydroxide – commonly known as lime – is the filter medium of choice for a direct air capture (DAC) technology now being exploited at scale by San Fransisco-based Heirloom.The …

Digital Twins Go With The Flow at Filtech 2024
Optimizing the efficiency of nonwoven filter media is basically about achieving the perfect balance between the material’s capacity to capture and hold dust or other particles and its pressure drop …