Questions by ULPA Filter Purchasers in the Semi-Conductor Industry

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$15 Billion Industrial Cartridge Market

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Filtration Market Is an Aggregation of Niches

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People wearing face masks, walking along busy thoroughfare

There is extraordinary confusion about the basic issues that will shape the market for face masks and filters relative to the coronavirus pandemic. This applies to fundamental questions, such as …

Ambient Air Filter Market

Air filtration media is used in treating ambient air as well as process-generated particulate. Filtration media companies, such as Lydall and Ahlstrom, provide media for both applications. There is some …

Turbine filter and filter media cutaway images

The true cost of a gas turbine inlet filters can be affected by a large number of factors.  These factors are not constants; they are changing. The filter purchaser is …

Proper dry scrubbing technology selection requires a detailed understanding of the application and related technologies.

Operators of combustion equipment are tasked with removing acid gases and particulate. Traditionally, wet scrubbers were used to absorb the gases, but the problem with wet scrubbers is the resultant …

dutch weaves filter

Bob McIlvaine, President, The McIlvaine Company

This is the second article in our “True Cost” series, which will appear in each issue of International Filtration News with the aim of highlighting the “True Cost” of various filtration options. This article is an introduction to hot gas filtration. Ultimately, our aim with this series is to supplement with profiles from leading suppliers in the categories we are covering, making the case for the total cost of ownership of their technology. Webinars and live roundtable discussions at leading conferences will also be part of the “True Cost” program going forward, so stay tuned for more details.