Air & Gas Filtration
$15 Billion Industrial Cartridge Market
The industrial cartridge filter market generates revenues of more than $15 billion per year. This global number is useful to determine whether the market is large or small. But it …
Air Quality: Define to Defend
We cannot keep dancing to the rhythm of wildfires, pandemics, and environmental disasters only to address the urgent air quality agenda. If we all aspire to having our cities be …
Using Biological Particles as Test Aerosols
Research Project Aeropore Provides Innovative Test MethodsMany biological hazards such as viruses, bacteria, fungi and allergens being present as airborne infectious or allergenic particles had a low profile in aerosol …
Carbon Capture – A Major New Field for Filtration
Advancing next-level filtration, 3M is working with Svante Technologies to commercialize a filter media that can trap carbon dioxide (CO2) found in the atmosphere and permanently remove it.Svante, headquartered in …
The Benefits of Cabin Air Filtration in Aircraft
As the saying goes, all good things must come to an end, and earlier this spring, over three years into the pandemic, I finally succumbed to the COVID-19 virus. Thankfully …