Air & Gas Filtration

Inside or Out
The case for clean air has never been clearerThere has probably been more discussed about airborne particles in the last two years than in the twenty years before, and for …

What’s on tap at FILTECH 2022?
FILTECH 2022, which will be presented March 8-10 in Cologne, Germany, expects to attract more than 460 exhibitors with a conference program featuring more than 240 papers. The occasion marks …

COVID-19 UPDATE: Nelson Labs announces verification program for facemasks and respirators
With COVID-19 having an impact worldwide, International Filtration News is tracking stories relevant to the filtration industry. Filtration media for facemasks and respirators are at the forefront of the COVID-19 …

Filtration for the moon shot and beyond
This is the second installment in a new recurring column in IFN called “Moon Shots,” highlighting innovations and new ways of thinking in the filtration industry. The first article in …

A sneak peek at the FILTECH 2022 plenary and keynote sessions
FILTECH 2022 will be presented in Cologne, Germany, Mar. 8-10, 2022. The occasion marks the return of a leading global event for the filtration and separations industry, after the COVID-19 …