Tech Notes
Foamed adhesives provide cost effective filter assembly solution
In today’s world, effective filtration is becoming increasingly important. Whether it’s the air inside your residence, the drinking water in an urban metropolis, or the fuel in a heavy-duty vehicle, filters are being asked to do more.
AFS conference growth continues
May/June 2014 | Volume 33, No. 3 The AFS Oil & Gas and Chemical Processing Filtration and Separations Conference was held March 24-26 at the Marriott Westchase Hotel in Houston, …
Additive manufacturing (3D printing) – a new route to filtration innovation
March/April 2014 | Volume 33, No. 2 Historically associated with plastics, additive manufacturing (AM), also known as 3D printing or formally as rapid prototyping, has undergone a number of transformations …
Contamination control in a hydraulic system
Every year businesses lose thousands and thousands of dollars because their hydraulic systems are not filtered adequately or they lack a pro-active maintenance plan. Think about it. Eighty percent of all system downtime is due to contamination, so why wait until you are in a crisis conducting emergency breakdown maintenance to think about filtration?