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International Filtration News provides ongoing coverage of filtration technology for cleanrooms. Visit regularly to stay on top of the latest insights, issues and innovations in filtration for cleanrooms.

Continuous evolution

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ISO 29463 — a global standard for HEPA and ULPA filters

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Semiconductors are to be found in every single electronic device on the market and since 2020 the industry has been in crisis. Photo courtesy of Canatu

Membranes move with Moore’s Law for semiconductorsCanatu, the manufacturer of advanced carbon nanotubes (CNTs) based in Vantaa, Finland, achieved an increase in sales of over 260% year-on-year in 2021, driven …

Mechanisms for particle filtration

HEPA and ULPA filters have been in use around the world for many years. The first HEPA filter was developed in the late 1940s. The original procedures to test these filters were also developed around the same time. Although these original test procedures are still practiced in the U.S.
