Filter Media
Understanding micron wire mesh for filtration
There’s more to selecting the right wire filtration mesh than its micron retention rating. Filtration designers would love to depend on certain known quantities from which to start a new …
Beating the Bottle with SuperiorOsmosis
Bluewater’s water purifier technology helps eliminate the need for plastic bottlesAt the 150th Open Championship held in St. Andrews in Scotland this July, some 290,000 golf fans were introduced to …
It’s a big job, and Julie Schertell is ready to do it
Merger news rocked the specialty materials industry in July with the announcement that Mativ Holdings, Inc. formed after the successful completion of the merger of equals between Schweitzer-Mauduit International, Inc. …
Innovations & Acquisitions
Acquisitions have created the lowest true cost filtration suppliersA good product customized for an application is better than a great product which has not been adapted. The lowest true cost …
Filtered effects
The correlation between flow rate and disposable media usage on metalworking liquid filter applicationsIn this article, we will illustrate that usage rates of disposable media consumption can be affected by …