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Standards & Regulations

International Filtration News provides ongoing coverage of standards and regulations for filtration technology and applications. Visit regularly to stay on top of the standards and regulations related to filtration.

The Critical Language of Measurements & Standards

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Legislation to Wipe Out Non-Flushables from Wastewater Infrastructure Introduced

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Sustainability testing methods and practices

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Measurements and standards. Photo: Stockphoto/Dmitry Kovalchuk

“When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of …

Perfect flushable wipes have to be both strong enough to do their job and weak enough to disperse in water at the right time. Image: Jacob Holm

Oregon’s U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley has teamed up with Maine’s U.S. Senator Susan Collins and U.S. Representatives Mary Peltola (D-AK) and Lisa McClain (R-MI-09) to introduce the Wastewater Infrastructure Pollution …

Sustainable test methods and practices will continue to develop and evolve. The real gains will come in the form of market transformation which comes from processes that are tested, measured and refined. These programs can create a lasting influence in the market, changing the way filters are made, sold, installed and recovered.

Test methods are inherently very different based on whether the specimen involved is a filter media, an entire filter or is an entire process, including equipment. There are many approaches …

This year, FiltXPO, will be co-located with INDA's flagship event, IDEA in Miami Beach, Florida.

FiltXPO will take place Mar. 28-31, 2022, in Miami Beach, Florida. As North America’s only regularly scheduled conference and exhibition dedicated exclusively to filtration and separation, the event will provide …

Filtration standards - friend or foe?

The next edition of FiltXPO, North America’s technical conference and exhibition for the filtration and separation industry, will be presented March 29-31, 2022, in Miami Beach. The event will feature …